Sunday, May 5, 2013

How to Find Windows Version/Build Number

Each release of Microsoft Windows has specific build number assigned while compiling the code for Windows. This build number is changed every time when there is major modification in code, new enhancement, bug fixes. Many users are curious to know how to find version number of windows
If you are one of them then here is a tutorial for you on how to find Build/Version number of windows.

How to find Windows Version & Build Number

1. Press Win+R to get run command prompt
Windows Version Number Winver
2. Now type “winver” at run command and press enter.
3. A windows dialog box will open providing information on Windows version Number, Build Number and name of windows.
Windows 7 Version

Monday, March 25, 2013

Removing blank lines

Vi ---> Removing blank lines
Blank lines can be removed from a file with any of the following:



    :%!cat -s
If you want to get rid of duplicate blank lines, but leave the first blank line intact, try:

    :%!sed /./,/^$/!d
Be aware that you may need to get rid of trailing whitespace first. This can be accomplished with

    :%s/[ ^I]*$/

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How to Install Eclipse in Ubuntu 10.04

Eclipse is one of the most widely used IDE(Integrated Development Environment),specially used for C/c++ and java programming.Since it is open source and available free of cost,you can install it on ubuntu 10.04 from it’s official package repositories or go to software center and Go to developer section.In developer section there is sub section IDE’s you will get eclipse listed there.Just click to install them.The more detailed explanation of the installation procedure is given below.It has very user friendly and simple graphical user interface with lot of features.Another more important point is that,you can extends its functionality by using plugins.

Install Eclipse on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

From Ubuntu Shell
1.Open terminal by hitting CTRL+ALT+T or from Applications->accessories->Terminal.
2.Type the command written below,you may have to enter your user account password to install the Eclipse.
$ sudo apt-get install eclipse
3.Downloading and installation process will finish soon.
4.That’s all Now,enjoy using eclipse.Access it from Applications->Programming->Eclipse.
From Ubuntu Software Center(USC) OR Synaptic Package Manager(SPM)
1.Open USC(Applications->Ubuntu Software Center) or SPM(System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager).
2.Search for Eclipse and Mark/Check the box for installation and click apply OR click on install(In USC under developer>IDE’s) to begin the downloading and installation process.
3.It will take few minutes to complete.
4.Now access eclipse from Applications->programming->Eclipse.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Apache Hive

A very Important Link to start the Apache Hive

Saturday, June 25, 2011

How Siteminder interacts with LDAP

Use link for knowing

How Siteminder interacts with LDAP

Siteminder holds 3 connections open to each LDAP user directory.  They are as follows:
DIR: This connection is held open by the user who is configured in the “Credentials and Connections” tab of the User Directory.  The initial search for users in authentication is done over this connection, and any WRITE operations (due to Password Services) are also done over this connection.  There are a lot of questions about what permissions the Admin user needs to have, and it’s simple… if you will not be using Password Services, then the user just needs to have READ permissions to the section of the user directory where your users are (whatever you put in the Root DN of the directory).  If you will be using Password Services, then that user needs to at least have the same READ permissions, and also have WRITE permissions to the attributes in the User Attributes tab of the user directory.
USR: This connection is used by authentication to try the BINDs.  No other data is sent across this connection.  A BIND is attempted and if it works, then the user is authenticated.  The connection is left in that state, owned by the user who just bound.  When the next authentication attempt is made, the handling depends on the type of directory.  If the directory supports REBIND, then that is what is done, meaning the connection is never broken down, it is just overtaken by the new BIND.  If the directory does not support REBIND (like AD), then the connection is Unbound and then a BIND is performed with the new user.
PING: This connection is used to monitor the health of the directory.  It sends a very basic search to the directory.  If it gets a response, then the directory is considered healthy, so the Policy Server will continue to send requests there.
The search has a blank Root DN, a scope of “base”, and looks for objectclass=*.  According to LDAP spec (RFC 2251), all compliant LDAPs will return some basic info about itself and its capabilities when a query is received with those parameters:
ldapsearch -h <IP of directory> -b “” -s base objectclass=*

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Siteminder Single sign on

Siteminder is the Single Sign On infrastrucuture system for NBCU, the user authentication and authorization component of an access management suite from Computer Associates ( SiteMinder provides policy-based authentication as well as single sign-on for all Web-based applicatiotion

How to enable and to configure Remote Desktop for Administration in Windows Server 2003

How to enable and to configure Remote Desktop for Administration in Windows Server 2003

Remote Desktop control